Monday, 24 August 2009

Cupcake Swap Goodies

This morning Mr. Postie delivered a rather pretty looking parcel! It was my cupcake swap from Louise at SSC and it was all wrapped so nicely in pink gingham.

The oven mitt I had seen before and lusted after. She must have known. There's a lovely picture frame which will be going in Izzy's room, yummy looking notecards and some cake making bits.

This gorgeous handmade cupcake is a brooch and will be taking pride of place on my bag.

Izzy has claimed this and keeps pretending to eat it! She says it's delicious.

This was my first SSC swap and it's so exciting getting something I know someone has made just for me. Thanks Louise x


  1. you got a fab lot there! Enjoy the cupcake making! Btw, did you want to do the Pay it Forward on my blog? Couldn't tell from what you wrote, but if you want you can be my first victim!

  2. Just discovered your blog - looks like you have some lovely goodies there!

    Pomona x
