Tuesday, 15 September 2009

As I have been unable to make anything recently (due to a major lack of motivation) I thought I'd post pics of what I sent for the SSC August swap.

The chicken was made with Laura Ashley fabrics and I was sad to see her go! I may have to make one for myself if I ever sit at my sewing machine again!

These adorable chicken egg cosies I found in a CS where I also found some candy stripe pillowcases and other bits equally as nice. If I could remember where that CS was I would go back again!

A little ladybird made from a top my daughter never wore.

A scented UJ mini cushion from some CK and LA scraps.

I hope I get some motivation soon and start making again as I really need a new bag and have the fabric ready. Maybe the library books will give me the inspiration I need.

Thursday, 10 September 2009

A bit of light reading......

.....from my local library. To please Mr.P and our bank balance I have been very good and avoided Amazon even though I had a list of books I wanted to buy. I thought I'd check my library to see if they had any of the titles I was looking for, but wasn't very hopeful. Well, I was pleasantly surprised and soon had a very long reservation list.

Here are the ones that were ready to be picked up today. There are so many pretty projects I don't know where to start!

I already have two more to collect so I better get a move on with reading, drooling, making etc!

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Boxes, Books and a Makeover

When browsing in boots sales or charity shops I can never resist opening a tin or looking inside a box. Mostly they are empty or contain nothing I'm interested in but last boot sale I got lucky. I only stopped to buy some dressmakers scissors and pinking shears and spotted this box under a load of junk. Had to peep inside and was happy with what I found!

There were lots of lovely threads inside, all nice bright colours. Even though I mostly seem to use white thread when sewing I couldn't leave this behind so happily gave the gentleman my £1.

I'm not sure what the box is supposed to be used for. It has some slots in the back of the lid and front of the base. I thought maybe paintbrushes but if anyone does know, please do tell. Whatever it's for, I think it needs a splash of paint and maybe some nice decoupage on the lid.

I've also bought some bits from charity shops lately. These two penguin books were around 50p each. I love Of Mice and Men and have never read Lady Chatterley's Lover so have just started it as I finished reading Rebecca yesterday (which was very good by the way).

I found these two rolls of Laura Ashley pink gingham wallpaper in my favourite charity shop for 50p each. Bargain! I was going to save it until I want to decorate Izzy's bedroom but there is not enough. It's from 2003 (I think) so I'm unlikely to find more so I may sell it. Not decided yet.

Lastly, I came across this book stand for 50p in a CS. I have been looking for one for ages and of course it doesn't really go in my bedroom so I had to paint it.

I use Farrow and Ball's 'New White' and decoupaged some flowers onto the sides using some Tescos serviettes. It was my first time using F&B paint and it was lovely to work with although I only paid £1 at a boot sale. Not sure I could stretch the £15 or so for a new tin. Oh well, I'll just have to make the most of the pot I have.