Thursday, 21 January 2010

I am a little under the weather at the moment and feeling sorry for myself. I have had some medicinal tea and cake and rest in bed with library books full of pretties.

There has been a small amount of crafting with these felt magents. I had some ugly, naked chucks of metal holding up my calendar (which covers my ugly boiler in the kitchen) which look much prettier as a cupcake and a strawberry.

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Snowed in!

We haven't had as much as some of the country but enough so I don't want to leave the warmth of home. A perfect excuse to make something pretty!

The wall behind my bed is looking rather bare. Mr Pink promised he would hang some pretty floral wallpaper months ago but as I'm still waiting I thought I'd come up with a temporary solution. I had an old whiteboard in the kitchen, stuffed down the side of the boiler since there is no wall space left. Plus I have fabric left over from my CK curtains.

Together they made this noticeboard. Trouble is I don't want to put any 'notices' on it as it would cover the lovely pattern.

So here it is above the bed and it will stay naked!

It was very easy as I just covered the board with some wadding and the fabric and used spray adhesive to stick the fabric at the back. The ribbon is pinned so there was no sewing (or effort) involved!

I am really enjoying making these sock monkeys! Trouble is I have no one to make them for so we may end up with sock monkeys everywhere!

Saturday, 2 January 2010

Start as you mean to go on.....

I am no good at sticking to New Years Resolutions but this year I am determined to make some changes in my life. One is to seriously curb unnecessary spending. I've never been one to go out and buy expensive things on a whim but if I see little bargains here and there, I grab them thinking it's only cheap but actually they all add up to quite a lot in the long run.

I'll also be making an effort to get off my bum and make more instead of blog-hopping for hours on end under the guise of looking for tutorials/patterns/inspiration!

I have actually started this today and made some pillowcases to go with my beautiful LA bedding. Instead of sitting around thinking about how nice it would be to have some I sat at the sewing machine and made them! I'm amazed at how quick and easy it was to make pillowcases!

The picture isn't great but the pink candy stripe goes really well with the roses (above) and I can't wait to get them on the bed! A bargain too as they are made from a sheet bought in a CS for pennies!

One other promise I have made myself is to comment more on the blogs I read. For some reason I don't often feel I have anything useful to say but then I realised how much I love reading comments on my posts, whatever they say. So if you have a blog, look out for my random nonsense in your comments!

Happy New Year!